Monday, January 25, 2010 at 9:27 PM
I'm in a rut!

I'm so mentally and physically drained that even a long night's sleep can't help. I've been bombarded with so many worries and thoughts I don't even know what to do. And me being so egoistic doesn't allow me to spill my worries to just anyone. I hate the feeling of caring and loving someone so much that eventually I have to depend on them. Whatever choices I make is for their sake as well. I don't mind situations like that but when things go sour, I can't stop thinking of that someone no matter what I do. It's just so hard to forget and this is definitely the first time I've felt so strongly about this bond between us. I can't seem to let go and I don't want to. But it hurts so much that you feel like you're stranded on a desert 500 miles away from a nice cold dessert or being ignored by someone for that matter. Sigh. Someone please kill me.